All is One

Life is the dream. The idea that we exist separately from each other as individuals is an illusion. We are all pieces of one collective consciousness. All is one.

 If we are all the same being, then that means anytime I get upset with somebody, I am actually getting upset with myself. Whenever I love somebody, I am loving myself. Whenever I curse at somebody, I am cursing at myself. Whenever I help somebody, I am helping myself.

 Maintaining awareness of this concept allows me to let go of feelings of hurt or clinging.

 For example, if somebody cut me off in traffic, I would normally feel upset because this OTHER person has done something wrong to ME. It becomes a THEM versus ME situation. But when I remember that we are the SAME entity, and it was ME that cut me off, I don’t care as much anymore. What’s the point of getting mad at myself?

 The same concept could be applied to resolving obsessive attachment to other people. This can manifest as feelings of addiction to and/or longing for somebody. It can also manifest as fear of losing someone. These feelings imply a separation between me and the other person. “I can’t be happy unless I have THIS person in MY life." But when I realize that there is no separation and that I am already forever connected with everybody I love, my soul is made whole. The emptiness I felt or feared can dissolve.

 The goal here is not to achieve maximum joy and bliss. Rather, the objective is to stabilize my feelings and maintain a homeostasis by avoiding extreme feelings one way or the other. Peace lives in this sweet spot.



Overcoming Ego Sabotage